She still just has the one tooth but has been teething off and on so I'm sure more will be coming along soon enough. She's been doing great with finger foods! I haven't pureed anything in awhile. Her absolute favorite thing has been chunks of cheddar but she also seems to really like chicken and hamburger. Her old favorites, peas and green beans, have now dropped to the bottom of the list but she is still a good eater and eats and pretty balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy (cottage cheese is another favorite and is often how I sneak veggies in which is totally gross).
Like I said, she loves to talk and make noises. She says "Uh-oh!" and "cat" every now and then and other than that, it's lots of baby talk and such. She can clap and wave really well and has recently been trying to blow kisses (she does it with the back of her hand but that's pretty close). She figured out the sippy cup and snack cup (you know, one of these) both on about the second time trying. She has also recently begun to get frustrated over the fact that she can't move but just gets really angry if you try to get her in a crawling position. She seems to have a double dose of stubborn, being a Benton and a Burkehart. Oh boy! That will be especially fun in a couple of years, I'm sure.
Anyways, she is a great baby. She goes down ridiculously easy for naps and bedtime (she seriously loves her crib!). She loves books and music and the kitties (although they don't seem to return the love). She has a generally sweet disposition but she can get, uh, fiesty. She's definitely a little girl as she can be kind of prissy about stuff (it took her awhile to be okay with picking up banana pieces because they're squishy).

We're just really enjoying watching her grow and discover new things all the time!
I dunno...she seems kind of bored with us though. ;)