So where were we...ah, yes. Me. Last weekend, I finally went for a much-needed hair appointment. I got highlights and had my cut shaped up. Everyone has been commenting about how good my hair looks. She didn't even do anything all that interesting to it but I think it just goes to show how drab it looked before! So I am very pleased to have brightened things up and it's amazing how much more I feel like myself with some highlights. :)
I also went shopping. I didn't strike gold or anything but I got a few new pieces that I needed (including a super cute pair of black peep-toe heels that murdered my feet today). So...probably more on that later as I will hopefully slowly acquire a work wardrobe.
I suppose you want to hear about Lainey, no? She turned 8 months old on Monday. Wow! She is growing and developing and is just so cute and so smart. :) She unfortunately had her first ear infection weekend before last. I think the most unfortunate part about all of that though was finding out that she, like my sister, is allergic to penicillin. Fun times. But we got that under control and she is all better now. See how happy?

We're thinking of getting her into karate. Or maybe women's tennis. She's already good at sporting the headbands.