we are...nearly 35 weeks. I can't believe we only have about another month before we'll have a newborn in the house again. Of course this time, we'll also have a not quite as small but equally demanding little person running around! We're excited though. And scared. But excited (mostly scared...).
So who wants to see what 34 weeks looks like?? Here you go...
I seem to have turned into someone's Grandma, complete with waddling, heartburn and slight incontinence. I feel that I'm about the same size that I was with Lainey but I seem to be getting less rude comments. Actually, it seems to be the opposite this time with people often telling me how great I look and that I have that pregnant glow. Apparently my coworkers at my new job are better at lying than my old ones!
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. My job has been kind of crazy lately (my company was sold and I had to wait to find out if I even had a job, then we moved into a new office space and have started a new know, a few little things going on). That has been a bit exhausting. It got to the point where I came home sick and exhausted one day but since then, I've been trying to make a conscious effort to take it a little easier. I'm still working on that...chocolate helps.
One thing I will say...I guess I'm just too busy to be as anal and prepared as I usually am! I haven't even gotten started on my lists to prepare for the baby and we all know I love a list. Granted, we already have most everything we will need for another girl. But I have not done anything in the nursery. Thank goodness Troy moved Lainey into her new room and put together the new nursery furniture or I'm not sure anything at all would be done! Now I just need to drag out & organize all of Lainey's old baby stuff and put it away in the nursery. I am sure before long my nesting will kick into high gear and I'll shift my work anxiety to the baby. Sleep is becoming challenging so I'm sure I'll start to devote those hours to panicked planning.
So...that's where we are! Trucking right along towards having this little girl. I'll try to post more frequent updates during this last month. I'll even take more pictures for you of my enormous belly. You're welcome! :)