Sunday, February 5, 2012

18 Month Update

Wow...I can't believe Lainey is already 18 months old. Then again, other days I can't believe she's only 18 months old! She is growing and doing great. Even her hair is starting to come in a little thicker (but we're still a long way from hair clips and the like). She was 80% for height and 70% for weight. I can't remember the exact numbers now but she's about 25 pounds and like 32" inches or so. The doctor said she's doing great and she is!

What she lacks in hair, she more than makes up for in language skills. Seriously...the girl talks up a storm! I couldn't count all the words she says if I wanted to and she's getting really good at pronouns and short sentences ("I dropped it. I'll get it!"). She can repeat nearly anything we say and has started memorizing parts of songs and books and will sing/read along.

Our mini-Troy not only talks a lot like her Daddy but she is also totally OCD. One of her favorite things to say is, "Oh no! Made a mess!" She usually says this about our garage in general (and she is is a mess). At least she knows who to attribute that to ("Ew...Daddy's mess!"). That's right.

It is nice that she can communicate so well because I understand that that is the root of many a toddler tantrum. But we definitely are not immune to these. She is already asserting her independence every chance she gets. Some days it seems like her favorite word is "no" (and if she's really annoyed, it has two syllables..."NO-uh!"). Our biggest battle lately has been brushing her teeth. This often ends up in screaming matches with her Daddy or I pinning her arms down and forcefully brushing her teeth for her. At least her mouth is usually open from the screaming. But it really doesn't get your day started right. The doctor told us to be persistent though and just battle through and brush anyway. She needs to know that we won't cave. I can't wait for this phase to pass. :-P Other things she really does not like include getting out of the bath, diaper changes, not eating the second she decides she is hungry and not getting the food that she wants. Hey, who doesn't like cottage cheese and turkey dogs with ketchup at every meal? And heaven help us if we don't have whatever fruit she happens to want.

But all in all...this is a good age. She can play by herself, she loves being read to and she is a cute, sweet & funny girl. Her personality is fun to watch and I can't wait to see how she does as a big sister. I think she will love it. I hope she will love it (and her baby sister).

Lainey with her buddy Jack Jack

Chilling in Jack Jack's recliner

Mini Troy

I told you we do what we have to do with the teeth brushing, even if that means doing it in the bath with the cat around.

Happy girl! Still loves that dang paci and bunny. I don't have high hopes of getting rid of either any time soon.

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