Saturday, October 27, 2012

Six Months

My little chubby happy girl is six months old already! Okay, actually 6 1/2 months because I have a hard time updating this blog in a timely manner. But anyway! At her appointment, she weighed 16 lbs 2 oz (about 50%) and was 27.25" long (about 95%). I think the nurse was a little generous with her length measurement but either way, she is pretty long! She did great at her appointment and wasn't even too upset about her shots. However, I did have a Mom of the Year moment when the doctor checked her ears and informed me that her left ear was infected. Oops! Dr. Sarah is so nice...she told me that the same thing happened to her when she took her son for his 6-month appointment but I think she might have just been saying that to make me feel better. To be fair, Harper is so dang happy all the time...she was never symptomatic! Or was she...

"Um...hey, Mom? Guess what?"

"I have an ear infection!"

"That's why I'm grabbing my ear. See??"

"Oh yeah...and I might be teething too."
So...not a shining moment but she's totally fine. A round of amoxicillan and she's good to go! Thankfully she's not allergic to that like Lainey. And she really didn't fuss or act like her ear was bothering her. She is just such a happy baby! Always smiling and babbling. She can now say, "Dada" and she laughs when she gets really tickled about something. She is thisclose to sitting up on her own. She can do it but not for long periods before she falls or slumps over. She rolls over like a champ (preferring to do that when she goes to bed so she's more or less sleeping on her stomach) and she loves to stand up! It is funny how different babies can be. Lainey was never interested in moving and loved to sit and listen to books and music. She was dainty with her hands and really let you know when she was hungry. Harper, on the other hand, grabs anything within arms reach, is always kicking her legs or trying to sit up, will not sit still to be read to (she likes to scream and grab the book to put it in her mouth) but is much more chill when it comes to wanting to eat or anything like that.
Speaking of eating, she has now started eating some baby oatmeal. We tried the rice cereal but she hated it (so did Lainey) so we moved on to oatmeal and she loves it! Behold the difference:
Trying rice cereal:

Trying oatmeal:


We're going to try a veggie tonight and then probably a fruit in a few days. She's so funny now...she watches up eat with great intensity and does her mouth like she's tasting. So I know she wants some food. I'm still nursing her too and that is still going well! Now that I made it to 6 months, I'm trying not to put a bunch of pressure on myself. I'm obviously going to keep nursing her as long as I can, but if I don't make it to a year, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I made it to about 8 months with Lainey and she has turned out just fine!

So that's all the news on Miss Harper. She is just so cute & so sweet! It's hard to believe that at the beginning of the year, she wasn't even here and I am so looking forward to the holidays with our little family of four this year. :)

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