Monday, February 25, 2013

The Start of Something New

I won't give you the same old song about being oh so busy and not making time for the blog because I think that is pretty obvious. BUT that should all be changing (well, I think/hope so). You see, I am about to make a big career change. Namely, I have quit my job and am about to become a stay at home mom.

I know, right?? Crazy! But I am super excited. I have been lamenting the fact that we don't get to spend much time together as a family but it was just one of those things. I would just tell myself that people do it all the time and I just needed to figure out how to make it work. And I know that people do it - and more, with less. But Troy and I started taking a look at our financials, etc to see if we could swing it. I think both of us were surprised when we figured out that, with a few sacrifices, we could make it work.

So...yes, we've been super busy. There were the holidays, work, Troy's business has been growing, he was promoted to Company Commander with the Guard and watching our girls grow up in a flash. I will post some recap blogs (with pics!) of all of that but I did want to share my news. :)

Okay, so now for what you really want...some pictures of the girls! Here they are in their Valentine's outfits:


Amanda said...

I am with you friend! Ten years in the work force is long enough!! :) Congrats! Your girls are dolls!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats! I'm secretly jealous!