Monday, July 29, 2013

They're getting so big!

In case you were wondering why I hadn't previously posted about Lainey's 3rd birthday (which was on the 21st), it's because I was holding off until after their doctor's visit so I could fill in all their stats. Harper went too because it was time for her 15-month visit. So, here they are:

Harper weighs 22 10.5 (50th percentile) and she's 32.25" (80th percentile). She is growing great and looks healthy. She's still not walking (unless you count on her knees which she does everywhere) but we're really close. Lainey didn't walk until 15 months either so we're not concerned (yet).

And now for the big birthday girl! Lainey weighs 32 lbs (also 50th percentile) and she's 37.75" (75th percentile). She took an eye test for the first time and passed it perfectly. She's been watching this show "Doc McStuffins" so she was really excited about her check up and insisted on getting Snuggle Bunny & Tiny Baby checked out too. Thankfully our doctor is awesome (and also knows about the show) and was totally cool with it. The only hang up with Lainey is that she is still not potty trained. Like, not even close. I told the doctor we're thinking of doing a "naked weekend" and she encouraged us to give that a try soon. So we'll see how that goes. I am looking forward to that like I imagine one looks forward to a colonoscopy but if it means putting us n track to no more diaper changes, then I will deal with it.

Now for the fun part...we had Lainey's party on Saturday at our house. We had some neighbors and family over, lots of food and cake (of course!). Even though it was a no gifts party, Lainey still got a few good presents which she was really excited about. Here are a few pics from the event:

She is getting to be such a big girl! We have definitely moved into the "why" phase and we're still working on being nice to Harper. I hear this gets better when Harper is a little older and can stick up for herself. We tell Lainey all the time that she better watch out because Harper is going to get her as soon as she's able. :) But she is still a sweetie. She's super smart and curious about everything. Thankfully, she loves being at home with us and I've loved getting to watch her grow just in the past few months.

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