Well...we made it (mostly). It's a good thing Lainey won't remember her first Thanksgiving because it wasn't terribly memorable. I ended up getting strep throat but had to suffer through the holidays undiagnosed which wasn't pleasant. I yo yo-ed between freezing with chills and sweating out fevers. My throat hurt so badly that I wasn't even much in the mood to eat. We came home from Goldsboro on Friday and I sacked out on the couch for the weekend while Troy did stuff around the house. It was actually really nice...just snuggling on the couch with my baby. We put our tree up and turned the fire on and it was very cozy.
So now that Thanksgiving is behind us, it is full-speed ahead to Christmas! It's just a little more than 3 weeks away and I am not even halfway through with my shopping. But this is my favorite time of year and I am excited that we have a baby to celebrate this year. She may be too little to be all excited Christmas morning when she gets to open her toys but her Daddy will make up for it. ;)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We are excited about Lainey's first Thanksgiving. She can't really enjoy the food this year but it's the holiday for her favorite toy, Durkey (we can't tell if it's a duck or a turkey but she loves it. I'm sorry I don't remember who got it for her but thank you!!). She's also been enjoying some arts & crafts with April:

I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving! From our turkey to yours. :)

I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving! From our turkey to yours. :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Four Months
I wanted to make this a separate post even though it involved yet another trip to the doctor for Lainey. This one was a good one though! (Also, as a side note...we really do like our pediatrician's office. The doctor we saw on Friday was an anomaly and the staff there was really great throughout everything.)
Lainey was four months old on Sunday. She now weighs 13 lbs 14 oz and is 25" long. She's 50% for weight and 75% for height (that girl's got some long legs). Troy said that she tried to talk over the doctor so she obviously seems to be feeling better. :) She is still exclusively on breast milk (which the doctor encouraged us to do until 6 months unless she starts to act hungry after feedings) and is doing great developmentally. When she hasn't had a cold, she's been sleeping through the night since about 3 months but currently, she gets up once or twice to eat which is fine with me.
Generally, she is a healthy and happy baby. She loves to talk and she now likes to grab and hold or shake things. She would like to be able to sit up on her own but for the now, the Bumbo does the trick. She also hasn't rolled over lately. She did it for a few days and then hasn't done it since. Go figure. Now she likes to push up on her elbows and talk (of course). ;)
Lainey was four months old on Sunday. She now weighs 13 lbs 14 oz and is 25" long. She's 50% for weight and 75% for height (that girl's got some long legs). Troy said that she tried to talk over the doctor so she obviously seems to be feeling better. :) She is still exclusively on breast milk (which the doctor encouraged us to do until 6 months unless she starts to act hungry after feedings) and is doing great developmentally. When she hasn't had a cold, she's been sleeping through the night since about 3 months but currently, she gets up once or twice to eat which is fine with me.
Generally, she is a healthy and happy baby. She loves to talk and she now likes to grab and hold or shake things. She would like to be able to sit up on her own but for the now, the Bumbo does the trick. She also hasn't rolled over lately. She did it for a few days and then hasn't done it since. Go figure. Now she likes to push up on her elbows and talk (of course). ;)

An (Or)Deal a Day
I like to think we are responsible parents but after the past few days, I am thinking about not taking Lainey to the doctor again! Kidding. Sort of.
It started when she had a low-grade temperature Wednesday evening. She had a higher temp of 103 Thursday morning so I stayed home and we took her to the doctor at 10. They said she probably has a virus but they wanted to do some labs to rule out an infection. They did a CBC (finger stick to test her blood) and that said her white blood cell count was high. So then they wanted blood and urine samples. Well, in a little baby, that means an IV and a catheter. Which was bad enough until it proved difficult to get any samples out of her. Her chubby little arms did not show any veins and she had just peed all over the exam table before they decided they needed a urine samples. We finally had to go to LabCorp so they could do a third IV and get a blood sample and the nurse managed to catch some pee in a cup (while she had her third catheter in). Then just for good measure, they gave her a painful shot of antibiotics. So that was a difficult day...I hated to put her through all of that.

Sick baby :(
Friday, we were back at the doctor for a follow-up visit at 3:30 where they had told us they would probably just give her another shot. Boy, were we wrong! This doctor said that she wanted to rule out meningitis and that we needed to take her to the Wake Med Pediatric ER for a spinal tap. Excuse me? We were shocked and upset. Her way of comforting us? Yelling, "Your baby is not going to die! Babies don't die from this!" Somehow, that wasn't so comforting. But we packed it up and headed across town to the ER.

Traumatized baby at the doctor's office
Thankfully, the ER doctors said they didn't see any reason to do a lumbar puncture on her. By this point, Lainey no longer had a fever and had been playing and talking and seemed fine for the most part. So we were relieved to hear that. But since they had her there, they did a chest x-ray which showed some upper respiratory inflammation (because of her cold). We finally got home from that around 9:30.

In her little hospital gown
We were exhausted after Thursday & Friday but had to get up early on Saturday to go back over by Wake Med for a follow-up appointment at our pediatrician's office (that location is the only one open on Saturdays). That was the appointment that we should have had on Friday...in & out, no scary tests or crazy doctors. They had to do another CBC but that was it. She said Lainey seems okay, probably just a cold but she was going to prescribe a round of antibiotics just to cover all the bases. Good enough...we left that appointment and headed home. Whew! I had been ready for the long haul too...I had packed toys for Lainey and granola bars and a water bottle for us.
After we got home, Troy's Mom came for a short visit, followed by my sister. In and around that, we also hung out some next door for the Carolina/State football game (still not our year). We didn't so much get to rest on Sunday, but we did get lots of good food! Troy's Dad's side of the family always gets together the Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate and it was great food and fun times as always. :) Lainey loved it...she was held and passed around the whole time and everyone said how cute she was (of course!). By the end of it, she was passed out and snoring loudly.

So that was our unexpectedly long weekend! I am really glad this is a short week because I'm worn out.
It started when she had a low-grade temperature Wednesday evening. She had a higher temp of 103 Thursday morning so I stayed home and we took her to the doctor at 10. They said she probably has a virus but they wanted to do some labs to rule out an infection. They did a CBC (finger stick to test her blood) and that said her white blood cell count was high. So then they wanted blood and urine samples. Well, in a little baby, that means an IV and a catheter. Which was bad enough until it proved difficult to get any samples out of her. Her chubby little arms did not show any veins and she had just peed all over the exam table before they decided they needed a urine samples. We finally had to go to LabCorp so they could do a third IV and get a blood sample and the nurse managed to catch some pee in a cup (while she had her third catheter in). Then just for good measure, they gave her a painful shot of antibiotics. So that was a difficult day...I hated to put her through all of that.

Sick baby :(
Friday, we were back at the doctor for a follow-up visit at 3:30 where they had told us they would probably just give her another shot. Boy, were we wrong! This doctor said that she wanted to rule out meningitis and that we needed to take her to the Wake Med Pediatric ER for a spinal tap. Excuse me? We were shocked and upset. Her way of comforting us? Yelling, "Your baby is not going to die! Babies don't die from this!" Somehow, that wasn't so comforting. But we packed it up and headed across town to the ER.

Traumatized baby at the doctor's office
Thankfully, the ER doctors said they didn't see any reason to do a lumbar puncture on her. By this point, Lainey no longer had a fever and had been playing and talking and seemed fine for the most part. So we were relieved to hear that. But since they had her there, they did a chest x-ray which showed some upper respiratory inflammation (because of her cold). We finally got home from that around 9:30.

In her little hospital gown
We were exhausted after Thursday & Friday but had to get up early on Saturday to go back over by Wake Med for a follow-up appointment at our pediatrician's office (that location is the only one open on Saturdays). That was the appointment that we should have had on Friday...in & out, no scary tests or crazy doctors. They had to do another CBC but that was it. She said Lainey seems okay, probably just a cold but she was going to prescribe a round of antibiotics just to cover all the bases. Good enough...we left that appointment and headed home. Whew! I had been ready for the long haul too...I had packed toys for Lainey and granola bars and a water bottle for us.
After we got home, Troy's Mom came for a short visit, followed by my sister. In and around that, we also hung out some next door for the Carolina/State football game (still not our year). We didn't so much get to rest on Sunday, but we did get lots of good food! Troy's Dad's side of the family always gets together the Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate and it was great food and fun times as always. :) Lainey loved it...she was held and passed around the whole time and everyone said how cute she was (of course!). By the end of it, she was passed out and snoring loudly.

So that was our unexpectedly long weekend! I am really glad this is a short week because I'm worn out.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What a difference a year makes
I realized last night that it was a year ago yesterday that we found out that I was pregnant. I can't believe it's been that long! It seems crazy that in a year we've gone from this:

to this:

I remember that day a year ago...it was a Saturday morning and Troy and I were getting ready for the UNC vs. Miami football game. My parents, sister and friend Carrie were coming to our house and then we were going to tailgate and go to the game. I was a few days late and that never happens to me so I thought I'd take a test. I had actually taken one on Wednesday morning but hadn't seen anything so I tossed it. This time, there were instantly two pink lines. Hmmm. I took it into the office where Troy was on the computer and showed it to him and said, "I think this looks positive. What do you think?" He took a look and casually said, "Yeah, looks like it." and went right back to the computer. Um, hello??? So I went over to my laptop to look up (again) the test directions to see if it really was positive. I was so floored and Troy was just so casual! He said, "Why don't you take another one to be sure" or something so I went and did that. I think it was about the fifth test when he started to get excited. I guess he just didn't really believe it at first! (Yeah, and I fished out the test from Wednesday morning and there were definite but faint lines...I guess I was just too sleepy to see them.)
So that was the beginning of our journey to becoming a family of three. It is still strange to me and still a work in progress trying to fit everything into our life now. It just seems so...full. In a good way! But very busy. As Troy says, I'm still working on finding my "mommy groove." But so what if I only get about 1/4 of the house cleaned each weekend or that it's sometimes hard to see the table for the mail. We're happy and healthy and have an awesome baby with giant cheeks.
to this:

I remember that day a year ago...it was a Saturday morning and Troy and I were getting ready for the UNC vs. Miami football game. My parents, sister and friend Carrie were coming to our house and then we were going to tailgate and go to the game. I was a few days late and that never happens to me so I thought I'd take a test. I had actually taken one on Wednesday morning but hadn't seen anything so I tossed it. This time, there were instantly two pink lines. Hmmm. I took it into the office where Troy was on the computer and showed it to him and said, "I think this looks positive. What do you think?" He took a look and casually said, "Yeah, looks like it." and went right back to the computer. Um, hello??? So I went over to my laptop to look up (again) the test directions to see if it really was positive. I was so floored and Troy was just so casual! He said, "Why don't you take another one to be sure" or something so I went and did that. I think it was about the fifth test when he started to get excited. I guess he just didn't really believe it at first! (Yeah, and I fished out the test from Wednesday morning and there were definite but faint lines...I guess I was just too sleepy to see them.)
So that was the beginning of our journey to becoming a family of three. It is still strange to me and still a work in progress trying to fit everything into our life now. It just seems so...full. In a good way! But very busy. As Troy says, I'm still working on finding my "mommy groove." But so what if I only get about 1/4 of the house cleaned each weekend or that it's sometimes hard to see the table for the mail. We're happy and healthy and have an awesome baby with giant cheeks.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
The First of Many Firsts
In the past two weeks, Lainey has had her first real cold and her first Halloween. Then last Wednesday, she rolled over for the first time! I don't have it recorded yet but here is my little chatterbox doing some tummy time at daycare last week:

Wednesday evening, we were all in the bonus room. Troy was playing his new X-Box (oh boy) and so I had Lainey on her play mat on the floor with some toys. I thought we'd do some tummy time so I turned her over onto her stomach. She ordinarily is not a fan of tummy time so I was ready for crying. But instead she lifted her head up in sort of a push-up position and then got one arm under her and flipped herself over onto her back. I was shocked! I said, "Troy! She just rolled over!" and he said, "Nuh-uh!" and paused his game while I flipped her back over. Sure enough, she repeated her trick and looked surprised but pleased to find herself back on her back. So I grabbed the camera, flipped her back over and sat back to record. Yeah...mostly just screaming and crying. I guess she'd had enough! I kept trying for awhile but she just got more and more angry so I gave up. I will have to capture it another time. (And I will try to post the video from that night even if it doesn't show her rolling over!)
When I dropped her off at daycare the next day, I told April how she had rolled over. She was so surprised and said they had done about 30 minutes of tummy time on Wednesday without her even attempting to roll over. She said she would work on it with her today and sure enough, before lunch I had an email (and the picture above) saying that she had done it at least 3 more times. I am just so glad that Troy and I got to see this "first first" for ourselves. I know with her being in daycare, we will likely miss a few of these milestones. So it was nice to get to see this one. And now she can stop growing. Seriously.

Wednesday evening, we were all in the bonus room. Troy was playing his new X-Box (oh boy) and so I had Lainey on her play mat on the floor with some toys. I thought we'd do some tummy time so I turned her over onto her stomach. She ordinarily is not a fan of tummy time so I was ready for crying. But instead she lifted her head up in sort of a push-up position and then got one arm under her and flipped herself over onto her back. I was shocked! I said, "Troy! She just rolled over!" and he said, "Nuh-uh!" and paused his game while I flipped her back over. Sure enough, she repeated her trick and looked surprised but pleased to find herself back on her back. So I grabbed the camera, flipped her back over and sat back to record. Yeah...mostly just screaming and crying. I guess she'd had enough! I kept trying for awhile but she just got more and more angry so I gave up. I will have to capture it another time. (And I will try to post the video from that night even if it doesn't show her rolling over!)
When I dropped her off at daycare the next day, I told April how she had rolled over. She was so surprised and said they had done about 30 minutes of tummy time on Wednesday without her even attempting to roll over. She said she would work on it with her today and sure enough, before lunch I had an email (and the picture above) saying that she had done it at least 3 more times. I am just so glad that Troy and I got to see this "first first" for ourselves. I know with her being in daycare, we will likely miss a few of these milestones. So it was nice to get to see this one. And now she can stop growing. Seriously.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Boo-tiful weekend
We had a nice Halloween weekend. My Mom came and stayed with us. On Saturday we went to the Smithfield outlets to do a little shopping. Even though Lainey has her first cold, she still managed to be really good (shopping is in her genes!) and we had a fun time. Then Sunday of course was Halloween. We didn't dress Lainey up in a costume but we did stick her in her Halloween onesie. Unfortunately the matching pumpkin hat no longer fit and the onesie just barely fit. Here are some pictures of our little punkin:

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