Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a difference a year makes

I realized last night that it was a year ago yesterday that we found out that I was pregnant. I can't believe it's been that long! It seems crazy that in a year we've gone from this:

to this:

I remember that day a year ago...it was a Saturday morning and Troy and I were getting ready for the UNC vs. Miami football game. My parents, sister and friend Carrie were coming to our house and then we were going to tailgate and go to the game. I was a few days late and that never happens to me so I thought I'd take a test. I had actually taken one on Wednesday morning but hadn't seen anything so I tossed it. This time, there were instantly two pink lines. Hmmm. I took it into the office where Troy was on the computer and showed it to him and said, "I think this looks positive. What do you think?" He took a look and casually said, "Yeah, looks like it." and went right back to the computer. Um, hello??? So I went over to my laptop to look up (again) the test directions to see if it really was positive. I was so floored and Troy was just so casual! He said, "Why don't you take another one to be sure" or something so I went and did that. I think it was about the fifth test when he started to get excited. I guess he just didn't really believe it at first! (Yeah, and I fished out the test from Wednesday morning and there were definite but faint lines...I guess I was just too sleepy to see them.)

So that was the beginning of our journey to becoming a family of three. It is still strange to me and still a work in progress trying to fit everything into our life now. It just seems so...full. In a good way! But very busy. As Troy says, I'm still working on finding my "mommy groove." But so what if I only get about 1/4 of the house cleaned each weekend or that it's sometimes hard to see the table for the mail. We're happy and healthy and have an awesome baby with giant cheeks.


JaclynJohnson said...

she does have some pretty awesome cheeks. :-)

Holly B. said...

I know!! I think she's storing up for the winter...