Saturday was my Dad's birthday. The fam-bam all got together for dinner at my parents' house. Three somewhat odd things about the day:
1) It's not only my Dad's birthday, but his younger sister's and their mother's (but she passed away several years ago).
2) After dinner as we were all hanging out in the living room, the picture over my parents' mantle just fell off the wall and went crashing to the floor out of nowhere (loud bang, glass shattering...). We think Grandma was upset that she was missing out on the festivities. :)
3) Lainey got her first tooth for her Grandpa's birthday!
(You can't see it but it's there!)
Then Sunday was obviously Easter. My Mom bought Lainey an Easter ensemble, complete with one of those headbands with the giant fake flower, white sweater and matching sandals. The sandals were the only thing she actually wore (besides the dress, of course).
She was surprisingly good in church. I did have puffs though...and timed it to give her a bottle during the sermon. Sneaky sneaky! But she also enjoyed just people watching and playing with the bulletin so that works too.
After the service, everyone got a flower to put in the big cross outside. Lainey really got a kick out of that!
I know you're probably thinking, "Aw, what a cute family!" but it takes work to get a shot like that. Most of them turned out something like this: