Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brace yourselves...

You will no longer have to hear about my boobies! I can hear the blogosphere cheering.

Yup, that's right folks...we're officially done nursing. It really just kind of...happened. The day before Lainey turned 9 months, we just stopped nursing. I had figured for awhile that she wasn't actually eating when she would wake up around 5-ish. Then the other morning, she just didn't wake up until it was time to get ready for work. So we just left. And she was fine! And that was more nursing.

It's been a little sad but kind of like when I quit pumping, I got over it quickly. I can get drunk and take Advil and drink lots of coffee now (which, incidentally, would need to be done in that order). Not that I have. But I can! I have my body back. Although, quite frankly, I'm not sure I want it. It's rather, um, soft. And things aren't where they used to be. I certainly don't remember needing to tuck my boobs in my pants before (I kid!).

So that's it folks! I know we're all happy not to have to worry about or discuss my chestal region any more. I think I see rainbows and bunnies and happiness. Oh, or maybe that's because it was just Easter...guess that leads to my next stay posted (pun intended)! ;)

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