Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This cow barely has any milk

I am in such a happy place with the nursing now, let me just tell you. When Lainey turned 7 months, we started supplementing with formula (mainly just for her last bottle before bed but every now and then I'd have to send one to April's too). Apparently if you give my boobs an inch, they take a mile because by the time Lainey turned 8 months, she was getting formula for every bottle except I nurse her first thing in the morning (and I mean first, like, around 5:15). And you know what? I'm perfectly happy with this. I quit pumping at work about 3 weeks ago and that has been great. I no longer have to lug that big pump bag around with me or stress about when during the day I'm going to sneak away for 10 minutes at a time or any of that. So much better! But I also love that I'm still nursing her in the morning. For one thing, it makes getting up that early a little easier because I get to spend some uninterrupted time with my baby. Plus, it's also just a lot easier than getting up and going downstairs to fix a bottle. So if this arrangement could last until she's a year old, that would be awesome! Or, until she gets teeth and starts biting me. At this rate, who knows which will come first! Just teasing...actually, we're thinking Lainey might be teething (for real this time). There's a distinct bump in her lower gum line and she had a total meltdown out of nowhere last night but seemed to be explained when she was trying to get anything (even grabbing the front of her pjs) and trying to get it in her mouth. We gave her some Tylenol and she almost instantly calmed down. So we'll see! Maybe she'll have a tooth sooner rather than later.

Speaking of my fears of her slow development...she still isn't moving either. She still hates tummy time so we're thinking the chances of her crawling are getting pretty slim. She does get so mad about being on her stomach that she now can kind of wriggle herself in a circle and Troy reported some backwards movement this morning. Progress? Who knows. I know everyone says to not wish for her to be mobile (and I really don't mind...it's nice to just plop her on the floor with toys and know she's good!) but she's 8 1/2 months old now and I can't help starting to feel like we need to get something happening before she's 1. And I'm not really worried about her developing slowly. I know every baby is different. And she is perfectly healthy in every way! I just like to pick on her about not having any hair or teeth and not being able to move. That's normal, right? But I absolutely love my little nugget. She's a great baby and is so smart. She loves sitting and playing and talking and being read to. And her new favorite thing is the dancing. Oh man...that is funny! I gotta say, she's got a lot of rhythm for a white girl! (Coming from a white girl.) I'll be sure to post a video soon...it is too cute! In the meantime, here are some pictures:


Elizabeth said...

If it makes you feel better, Ryan didn't crawl until 9 months. Tyler was my early developer crawling at 7 months and walking at 10 months. Every baby is different. Really...enjoy this non-mobility while you can!!!!

Shay-Zee said...

I've been wanting to tell you this all day and couldn't get to my computer...it's not the tummy time that really leads to the crawling; it's the sitting. I read that somewhere and, sure enough, Marie never pushed up to crawling from her tummy; she started to crawl by leaning forward from sitting.

JaclynJohnson said...

Brooklyn and Jake were both around 10 months when they started crawling. She'll do it soon enough! And yay for you in making that decision about nursing/pumping. Whatever makes you the happiest!