Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby likes Bojangles

This has been a fun week because I've started really feeling her kicking (it's cool...I told her she could but only while she's in my belly). As I said earlier, I had my glucose test on Monday. Well, you have to drink this orange drink that is somewhere between Tang and Sunkist (no bubbles but not horrible). After I got to work, she was all amped up. I've been feeling her moving around the past couple of weeks but not really discernable jabs or kicks. These were definite kicks. Even my coworker could feel them. Then yesterday, not a whole lot of action. I guess baby is just picky about what I eat. I had a Bojangles chicken biscuit this morning and she is now apparently doing some Flashdance in my belly (I like to imagine the song "She's a maniac" playing and her pumping her little fists and feet). I also had some fruit so I guess it could have been that but I'm betting it was the Bojangles. You go, baby!


Laura Burkehart said...

Judging from the gene pool my money is on Bojangles...

JaclynJohnson said...

so exciting!!!! she'll be here before you know it!