Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome to the End

This past Sunday, I hit 28 weeks and the third trimester. I can't believe it! It's gone by really quickly. Here is a lovely pic of my blossoming belly:

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that included a follow-up ultrasound. Good news...I no longer have a previa! The doctor said my placenta has moved out of the way and everything looks totally normal. I was very relieved to hear that. Then the technician checked on how Baby Girl is doing. Troy & I were really excited to get to see her one last time before she arrives! :) She was squirming and kicking a good bit (maybe I should have skipped the juice that morning) so she didn't get a great picture of her face but here it is:

It's a little hard to see but her head is tilted (chin towards the bottom left). In the second one, her mouth looks like it's open. It was kinda weird looking because now you could see her eyeballs instead of what just looked like sockets previously. But we still think she's super cute!

In other pregnancy-related news, I had my first leg cramp early this morning. I shot out of bed at 6 a.m. and hopped around the bedroom until Troy got up and showed me how to stretch it. Unfortunately, that was not my first time being up last night. I also woke up about 2 a.m. because my back was absolutely killing me. I got up (and used the bathroom, of course) and then spent about an hour tossing and moving pillows around trying to find a reasonably comfortable position. So now I'm at work and totally dragging and my back still hurts. But I can't's been pretty smooth so far!


Shay-Zee said...

I started pregnancy pilates right about at 27-28 weeks. I had the beginnings of back pain and the pilates completely took care of it and I had no further problems. Just a little tip if you were thinking of tryng a pregnancy exercise class.

Holly B. said...

Thanks!! That's a good idea. I kind of quit working out when I got pg but now that I've been cleared to exercise again, I've been wanting to do something. I'm defnitely going to look into yoga & pilates. If it'll help my back, I'm all for it!