Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All Kinds of Showers

We have finally been getting some much-needed rain here. It went from being totally dry to torrential downpours. Nothing like easing into things. Yesterday it rained cats & dogs. Really, I saw some guy step in a poodle. Get it? Poodle??(Bah-dum-ching!) The saddest part about that joke is that I stole it from a guy on the radio. Anywho...at least it's been great for the yard. Here's a pic of the front yard that doesn't even do it justice since everything is now blooming like crazy:

The other kind of shower was a baby shower that one of my oldest & dearest neighbors threw for me last weekend. I say oldest because she has lived across the street from my parents for about 30 years now. I can't believe it's been that long!

It was a really nice shower with some friends, family and family friends. We got all kinds of great things for Baby Girl (or BB as my Mom calls her for Baby Benton) and it was awesome getting to see everyone!

Very yummy spread and the cake was pink lemonade from Dewey's Bakery. So cute! But maybe that explains this spread:

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