Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Final Countdown

Has anyone else noticed that I usually update my blog on Thursdays? Not sure why that is. Anywho!

So...the big news for us is that by this time next week, our baby girl will be here! I went to the doctor yesterday and they said that I have not started towards labor but because the baby is rather large, they scheduled me to be admitted Tuesday night and induced on Wednesday. Which is exciting and weird all at the same time. To be honest, I'll be a little disappointed in my body that I couldn't get things going in a timely fashion on my own but I also don't want to let things go too long and then have no option but a c-section. I'm still holding out hope that labor will progress naturally and that I'll be in the hospital having this baby before my induction date but time will only tell!

In the meantime, I think I'm going to buy a Hanes XXL and write on it in permanent marker: "I'm due on Sunday. It's a girl. Yes, I'm very excited. No, we're not settled on the name yet." I went to Sephora today and was the main attraction. Every worker there asked me this litany of questions. I kind of wanted to call a meeting or make an announcement from the registers so I could answer everyone at once. One girl kept coming back over to talk to me about my pregnancy, plans, experiences, etc. All of that is fine, it's just a little funny. Plus, she was a little pushy (I mean, when you ask if we've picked out a name and I say, "Well, sort of...we've got one we like but we're still not 100%" you don't come back with "Oh...well, what is it?" Yeesh people.) The other thing I think is really funny is how everyone always asks if I'm excited. Do you really think I'm going to say, "Hell no! Have you SEEN a birthing video??" although I think that's going to be my next response. :)

Also, apparently I have the pregnancy glow. I thought it was just because it's 96 degrees and humid because it's July in NC but hey, if people think I'm glowing, I'll take it. It's a lot more flattering that just looking like a sweaty girl with facankles. I think my work sees through this though because they keep asking if I'm okay and hinting that I maybe look a little worn out. I guess toting around this extra 40+ pounds is starting to weigh on me (pun intended). By the end of the week, I just want to spread out on the couch and get a massage. Too bad my days usually end with my running some errands on the way home and then cooking. Oh well...I keep hoping gravity will be kind and get things moving.

So keep us in your thoughts & prayers that I will go into labor soon and that it will be smooth and problem-free. Baby will be here soon!!


cold water company kayak and supply said...

Move to Utah for your next pregnancy and you won't hae anyone bugging you. You are just one little fish in the vast pregnant sea out here! Good luck with the induction. It's not that bad. I did it after going overdue for 2 weeks and it was well worth it. I can't wait to see the little one!

Laura Burkehart said...

Baby better wait until Aunt LaLa gets back from the beach!! :)

McKenzie said...

Dude whenever people asked me if I was excited, I would always say "more like anxious and scared out of my mind. but i'm cool." It freaks them out and they don't know how to respond. Seriously, honesty is totally the best policy (if only for your own entertainment!).

You are absolutely in my thoughts and prayers, and I know you'll do great! And baby B will be soooo worth anything you might have gone through (i.e. heat, ridiculous questions, ankalves..). You'll see. :)

Gooooooo Holly!

Elizabeth said...

People are so funny/annoying :) I hope she comes out soon :) My first was 4 days late. And then my second was 3 weeks early. I've been on both ends! Good luck!