Monday, January 25, 2010

Still Kickin'

Me and the baby! I have finally recovered from my 72-hour stomach bug (after it tried to make a resurgence Thursday night/Friday morning). Troy and I even managed to have a nice weekend with a little running around and some football on Sunday. Then this morning we went in for our 15-week appointment and got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It sounded good and strong (I guess...I don't have much to compare it to!) and the doctor seemed satisfied so I'm taking that as a good thing. Truth be told, he was a bit quick and nonchalant and Troy and I were both a little disappointed that the appointment was so fast and we didn't get to hear the heartbeat for very long but that's okay. In four weeks we get to go back for our second and final ultrasound so that should be much more exciting!

If I can figure out how to add a poll on the side, I'll add one so people can guess on the gender of Baby Benton. I'll also try to add a new belly pic on here soon. We were too busy rushing out the door for our appointment to take a new one this morning but I'll try to get to it tonight. Hopefully you can see a difference. I'd actually lost a little weight since my last appointment (no doubt due to being sick) but I had McDonald's for lunch so that should make up for it! ;)

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