This morning I got to experience getting spit up on as I was getting ready to leave the house for work. Nearly the last thing I do each morning is to get dressed to try to avoid this. So I had just gotten dressed while Troy got Lainey dressed. Then I carried her downstairs and went straight to her carseat to put her in and saw that she had white spit up all around her mouth. I was like, "What the...?" and then I turned me head and saw that my shoulder was covered. Gross!! She hadn't even made a noise or anything but she obviously had managed to throw up on me on the way downstairs. So of course I had to go back upstairs, rinse off my shirt and find and put on a new one. Then I had to clean her up and we finally left the house. So much for being on time! And I had been so proud of myself because I was wearing the first outfit I put on (which never happens). Sneaky baby...
This is not a pic from this morning but it is the outfit she is (was) wearing!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Hot & Cold
Isn't this some crazy weather we're having? As I write, we're under a tornado watch and it's about 85 degrees outside and about 85% humidity. Hard to believe it's the end of October...but that is NC weather for you. And right on will be cold by Halloween. It always is which was always a bummer because it ruined the cute outfit you had planned to dress up in. That is why this year I think I'm going to wear adult footie pajamas so Lainey and I can match. I'm not really sure what that will actually be as a costume other than comfy and that is okay by me.
Lainey will definitely want to be comfy as she is getting over her first cold. The poor thing was all congested yesterday when I got home from work. She would cough and sneeze and she sounded like she had a lot of phlegm in her chest. I just knew that this would spell a bad night for all of us. Just the night before, we had finally decided to forego the middle of the night feeding and see if she would just go back to sleep. It went okay but that was before the cold and all the mucus. So color me surprised when I woke up last night at 2:39 a.m. because I was becoming painfully, ah, full and not at all because of Lainey. I actually had to get up and pump and then she didn't wake up until 5:20 wanting to eat. And even with a cold, that girl is a morning person. When I go to get her out of her crib, she gives me a big sleepy smile and then lifts her legs up for me to get her.
It is so cute! She does it on the changing table too. (I know, I is ridiculous how much she looks like Troy.)
So I'm hoping that tonight will be another good night and that the weather will change to actual fall temps and that Lainey will soon get over this cold.
PS - Thanks to everyone who helped me out with advice on how to care ofr a 3-month-old with a cold. Everything everyone said was a huge help! Well, except the rum & Coke (sorry Cheesy...although Troy did have a beer and I think that helped him feel better).
Lainey will definitely want to be comfy as she is getting over her first cold. The poor thing was all congested yesterday when I got home from work. She would cough and sneeze and she sounded like she had a lot of phlegm in her chest. I just knew that this would spell a bad night for all of us. Just the night before, we had finally decided to forego the middle of the night feeding and see if she would just go back to sleep. It went okay but that was before the cold and all the mucus. So color me surprised when I woke up last night at 2:39 a.m. because I was becoming painfully, ah, full and not at all because of Lainey. I actually had to get up and pump and then she didn't wake up until 5:20 wanting to eat. And even with a cold, that girl is a morning person. When I go to get her out of her crib, she gives me a big sleepy smile and then lifts her legs up for me to get her.
It is so cute! She does it on the changing table too. (I know, I is ridiculous how much she looks like Troy.)
So I'm hoping that tonight will be another good night and that the weather will change to actual fall temps and that Lainey will soon get over this cold.
PS - Thanks to everyone who helped me out with advice on how to care ofr a 3-month-old with a cold. Everything everyone said was a huge help! Well, except the rum & Coke (sorry Cheesy...although Troy did have a beer and I think that helped him feel better).
Friday, October 22, 2010
Not a designer do I get my blog back to the good old basic layout? I can only find the new Blogger templates and even the "Simple" one isn't it.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Funny Phonics
I just wanted to get this down so I wouldn't forget...Lainey has been making all kinds of vocal strides in the past couple of weeks. I have a feeling that she will be a bit of a talker (gee, I can't imagine where she got that from! She is definitely Troy's mini-me.). She now has very distinct words/sounds for her moods. For example, things that end in "-ing" are her "I'm upset" sound. I have been waked in the night to her frantically calling out "ghing ghing ghing!" She also says "bing" and I swear she says "un-GEE!" (like she's saying she's hungry). I'm not crazy...Troy has heard it too! When she is happy and content, she makes "oo" sounds. She has been practicing for Halloween with her "boo"s but it is becoming more of a "boof." One of my favorites is when she is really happy and she smiles really big and goes, "hoo!" (that was likely was she was doing in the picture April send in the post below...I know that face!). Lainey has also been laughing a lot. She gets tickled with herself and will squeal. Then she kind of looks surprised like, "Did that noise come out of me?". I keep trying to capture her talking and laughing on video but she is wise to both my phone and the camera (both of which can record videos). Yesterday she was talking up a storm to me but the second I hit the record button, she clamps up and stares at the camera apprehensively. So I have minute-long videos of her giving it a look. Which is still cute, but not exactly what I was going for.
Overall, she is just growing up so much! I can't believe it...she seems bigger every day when I pick her up from daycare. April even commented today that she looks like she grew over the weekend. She really is getting bigger, as evidenced by these thighs:
She pays attention to us more and seems more aware in general. She is also moving her hands and arms with more purpose and not just the general flailing of a "new" baby. Lately, she's been pulling up her blanket or dress to her mouth and sucking on it (or her fist...just whatever gets stuffed in her mouth). I always thought she looked like a little Peanuts character but I never really pegged her as a Linus.
Super cute baby belly!! :)
Overall, she is just growing up so much! I can't believe it...she seems bigger every day when I pick her up from daycare. April even commented today that she looks like she grew over the weekend. She really is getting bigger, as evidenced by these thighs:
She pays attention to us more and seems more aware in general. She is also moving her hands and arms with more purpose and not just the general flailing of a "new" baby. Lately, she's been pulling up her blanket or dress to her mouth and sucking on it (or her fist...just whatever gets stuffed in her mouth). I always thought she looked like a little Peanuts character but I never really pegged her as a Linus.
Super cute baby belly!! :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Weepy Wednesday
Yesterday was my first day back at work and therefore dropping Lainey off at daycare. We have found a great person to watch her at her house with 3 other little kids (after this month it will just be a total of 3). So I'm really happy with the situation except for the fact that I have to leave her.
If you know me, you know I try to be super organized. So I had everything all ready to go and the morning went great getting ready and I left pretty much on time. We arrived at April's house and I tried to hold it together. I decided it was best if I tried to make the drop off pretty quick and that helped some. But then Lainey started crying and gave me The Lip. If you haven't witnessed it, it is very dramatic!
That did not help my efforts. I got out of there as quickly as I could and tried not to cry all the way to work. Here is a breakdown of my first day back:
- Had some sense of purpose because I got up, dressed and out of the house before lunchtime.
- Got to wear my new black pants that I got on clearance at Target for less than $14.
- Said pants are already too big. (Good thing they were so cheap!)
- Got to eat lunch when I got hungry, go to the bathroom when I needed to and drank plenty of water throughout the day (if you have a baby, you understand these things).
- Have spent countless hours crying.
- Had giant zit pop up in the middle of my face that morning.
- Ended up eating a Lean Cuisine from before I went on maternity leave.
- Missed all of my Food Network friends.
I don't even think I need to mention the fact that I had to leave my baby for the day. That was absolutely heartbreaking. I am now well into day two and it has not gotten the least bit better. It's funny because I never really envisioned myself as a stay-at-home type but I could totally do it! With my newfound love of the Food Network, I think I could learn to maybe be a good cook (?). Ah is what it is. At least I get super cute pics of my baby during the day from April like this one:
If you know me, you know I try to be super organized. So I had everything all ready to go and the morning went great getting ready and I left pretty much on time. We arrived at April's house and I tried to hold it together. I decided it was best if I tried to make the drop off pretty quick and that helped some. But then Lainey started crying and gave me The Lip. If you haven't witnessed it, it is very dramatic!
That did not help my efforts. I got out of there as quickly as I could and tried not to cry all the way to work. Here is a breakdown of my first day back:
- Had some sense of purpose because I got up, dressed and out of the house before lunchtime.
- Got to wear my new black pants that I got on clearance at Target for less than $14.
- Said pants are already too big. (Good thing they were so cheap!)
- Got to eat lunch when I got hungry, go to the bathroom when I needed to and drank plenty of water throughout the day (if you have a baby, you understand these things).
- Have spent countless hours crying.
- Had giant zit pop up in the middle of my face that morning.
- Ended up eating a Lean Cuisine from before I went on maternity leave.
- Missed all of my Food Network friends.
I don't even think I need to mention the fact that I had to leave my baby for the day. That was absolutely heartbreaking. I am now well into day two and it has not gotten the least bit better. It's funny because I never really envisioned myself as a stay-at-home type but I could totally do it! With my newfound love of the Food Network, I think I could learn to maybe be a good cook (?). Ah is what it is. At least I get super cute pics of my baby during the day from April like this one:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Super Swaddle
So...I think we have found the answer to our sleeping problems:
This wonderful swaddle blanket made our Lainey sleep like a little angel last night. Big thanks to Christina for hooking me up with a few! I determined a couple of nights ago that Lainey gets cold at night. This wasn't too surprising...she has hated being cold pretty much her whole little life. We've always been swaddling her in a blanket at night but she was kicking out of them, even when we switched to bigger blankets. The other night, she woke me up at 5:30 just to have me re-swaddle her and she instantly went back to sleep. So I decided this swaddle blanket might just do the trick and my neighbor Christina said she had some that her Jackson wouldn't use anymore. Man oh man...I wish I had been using these all along! I think it was a combination of the swaddle blanket and us turning on the heat last night, but Lainey essentially slept through the night*. I even had to wake her up at 7:30 this morning! Wow!! Fingers crossed that she continues to do so well since I start back to work tomorrow...
Yes...the dreaded time is here. I got up this morning and did a dry run of getting dressed and going to daycare. I needed to go anyway to drop off her supplies and the check. We stayed for about an hour and I feel really good about things there and I know Lainey will be fine. I'm definitely more worried about me in this equation. Mommy is not doing so well. I came home and basically cried my eyes out from about 10-2 today. Even while I was doing it I was upset that I was wasting precious time in my last day with her but every time I looked at her about thought about the fact that I would no longer get these wonderful hours spent with her each and every day, I just couldn't help but well up. I've never been away from her for more than about an hour and that has only happened about 3 times. I knew I would be upset but I just didn't expect it to be this tough.
I hate to admit it but there was a time when I even wondered if this whole baby thing was such a good idea. The first month she was here was kind of tough. I mean, I loved her and all but I wasn't constantly flooded with overwhelming emotions like I thought I was supposed to be. Dealing with a newborn who does little more than cry and scream at you and chew your nipple into a bloody pulp just wasn't quite what I had expected with motherhood. But as time (and her period of major gasiness) have passed, I have fallen deeply in love with my little baby. I mean, how could you not love this face??
She has the best gummy smiles and has been working on squeals of laughter. And those giant cheeks go perfectly with her big blue eyes. She's just so cute! Plus she really is a sweet and good baby. We are really lucky, I know. I hate to not get to be with her all the time, especially now as her personality develops more and more each day, but I know it will be the best for our family. Obviously, I'm doing it because we need me to work financially but I think it will be good to have some balance of being outside of the house some too. I'm not exactly a domestic goddess and I'd be lying if I said I could be happy cooking and cleaning all the time (although I have begun a new love affair with Food Network on my maternity leave. Maybe one day I will even try out some of those new recipes I'm forever jotting down!).
So...wish me luck tomorrow! And if you see me, please don't ask me how it was unless you are armed with Kleenex.
*Because she slept for so long, I had to get up at 3:30 to pump and I woke her up. But even then it was just enough that she wanted to eat and go right back to sleep without any fuss whatsoever!
This wonderful swaddle blanket made our Lainey sleep like a little angel last night. Big thanks to Christina for hooking me up with a few! I determined a couple of nights ago that Lainey gets cold at night. This wasn't too surprising...she has hated being cold pretty much her whole little life. We've always been swaddling her in a blanket at night but she was kicking out of them, even when we switched to bigger blankets. The other night, she woke me up at 5:30 just to have me re-swaddle her and she instantly went back to sleep. So I decided this swaddle blanket might just do the trick and my neighbor Christina said she had some that her Jackson wouldn't use anymore. Man oh man...I wish I had been using these all along! I think it was a combination of the swaddle blanket and us turning on the heat last night, but Lainey essentially slept through the night*. I even had to wake her up at 7:30 this morning! Wow!! Fingers crossed that she continues to do so well since I start back to work tomorrow...
Yes...the dreaded time is here. I got up this morning and did a dry run of getting dressed and going to daycare. I needed to go anyway to drop off her supplies and the check. We stayed for about an hour and I feel really good about things there and I know Lainey will be fine. I'm definitely more worried about me in this equation. Mommy is not doing so well. I came home and basically cried my eyes out from about 10-2 today. Even while I was doing it I was upset that I was wasting precious time in my last day with her but every time I looked at her about thought about the fact that I would no longer get these wonderful hours spent with her each and every day, I just couldn't help but well up. I've never been away from her for more than about an hour and that has only happened about 3 times. I knew I would be upset but I just didn't expect it to be this tough.
I hate to admit it but there was a time when I even wondered if this whole baby thing was such a good idea. The first month she was here was kind of tough. I mean, I loved her and all but I wasn't constantly flooded with overwhelming emotions like I thought I was supposed to be. Dealing with a newborn who does little more than cry and scream at you and chew your nipple into a bloody pulp just wasn't quite what I had expected with motherhood. But as time (and her period of major gasiness) have passed, I have fallen deeply in love with my little baby. I mean, how could you not love this face??
She has the best gummy smiles and has been working on squeals of laughter. And those giant cheeks go perfectly with her big blue eyes. She's just so cute! Plus she really is a sweet and good baby. We are really lucky, I know. I hate to not get to be with her all the time, especially now as her personality develops more and more each day, but I know it will be the best for our family. Obviously, I'm doing it because we need me to work financially but I think it will be good to have some balance of being outside of the house some too. I'm not exactly a domestic goddess and I'd be lying if I said I could be happy cooking and cleaning all the time (although I have begun a new love affair with Food Network on my maternity leave. Maybe one day I will even try out some of those new recipes I'm forever jotting down!).
So...wish me luck tomorrow! And if you see me, please don't ask me how it was unless you are armed with Kleenex.
*Because she slept for so long, I had to get up at 3:30 to pump and I woke her up. But even then it was just enough that she wanted to eat and go right back to sleep without any fuss whatsoever!
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