Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hot & Cold

Isn't this some crazy weather we're having? As I write, we're under a tornado watch and it's about 85 degrees outside and about 85% humidity. Hard to believe it's the end of October...but that is NC weather for you. And right on will be cold by Halloween. It always is which was always a bummer because it ruined the cute outfit you had planned to dress up in. That is why this year I think I'm going to wear adult footie pajamas so Lainey and I can match. I'm not really sure what that will actually be as a costume other than comfy and that is okay by me.

Lainey will definitely want to be comfy as she is getting over her first cold. The poor thing was all congested yesterday when I got home from work. She would cough and sneeze and she sounded like she had a lot of phlegm in her chest. I just knew that this would spell a bad night for all of us. Just the night before, we had finally decided to forego the middle of the night feeding and see if she would just go back to sleep. It went okay but that was before the cold and all the mucus. So color me surprised when I woke up last night at 2:39 a.m. because I was becoming painfully, ah, full and not at all because of Lainey. I actually had to get up and pump and then she didn't wake up until 5:20 wanting to eat. And even with a cold, that girl is a morning person. When I go to get her out of her crib, she gives me a big sleepy smile and then lifts her legs up for me to get her.

It is so cute! She does it on the changing table too. (I know, I is ridiculous how much she looks like Troy.)

So I'm hoping that tonight will be another good night and that the weather will change to actual fall temps and that Lainey will soon get over this cold.

PS - Thanks to everyone who helped me out with advice on how to care ofr a 3-month-old with a cold. Everything everyone said was a huge help! Well, except the rum & Coke (sorry Cheesy...although Troy did have a beer and I think that helped him feel better).

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