Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weepy Wednesday

Yesterday was my first day back at work and therefore dropping Lainey off at daycare. We have found a great person to watch her at her house with 3 other little kids (after this month it will just be a total of 3). So I'm really happy with the situation except for the fact that I have to leave her.

If you know me, you know I try to be super organized. So I had everything all ready to go and the morning went great getting ready and I left pretty much on time. We arrived at April's house and I tried to hold it together. I decided it was best if I tried to make the drop off pretty quick and that helped some. But then Lainey started crying and gave me The Lip. If you haven't witnessed it, it is very dramatic!

That did not help my efforts. I got out of there as quickly as I could and tried not to cry all the way to work. Here is a breakdown of my first day back:

- Had some sense of purpose because I got up, dressed and out of the house before lunchtime.
- Got to wear my new black pants that I got on clearance at Target for less than $14.
- Said pants are already too big. (Good thing they were so cheap!)
- Got to eat lunch when I got hungry, go to the bathroom when I needed to and drank plenty of water throughout the day (if you have a baby, you understand these things).

- Have spent countless hours crying.
- Had giant zit pop up in the middle of my face that morning.
- Ended up eating a Lean Cuisine from before I went on maternity leave.
- Missed all of my Food Network friends.

I don't even think I need to mention the fact that I had to leave my baby for the day. That was absolutely heartbreaking. I am now well into day two and it has not gotten the least bit better. It's funny because I never really envisioned myself as a stay-at-home type but I could totally do it! With my newfound love of the Food Network, I think I could learn to maybe be a good cook (?). Ah is what it is. At least I get super cute pics of my baby during the day from April like this one:

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