Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stuff & Things

Holy cow, I haven't written anything since Harper turned 6 months old?? Times flies...

She turns 8 months old tomorrow. That is so hard to believe! She is my funny little monkey and I mean that. She is fascinated with things like her hands, she loves bananas and she grunts a lot. She was saying "Dada" but not all that much. She is liking food a little better now (although we still struggle with veggies).  She's not crawling yet but she does accidentally scoot herself backwards when she's in the crawling position (which then just makes her mad because she's going in the opposite direction than what she intended).

Lainey is still very much a two year old. She is super sweet...until she's not. I have to remind Troy all the time that she's just very sensitive. Take yesterday for example. My Mom was here with the girls and she had heated up some lunch for Lainey. Lainey was fussing because she wanted to eat it even though my Mom warned her it was pretty hot. Well, Lainey went to take a big bite and my Mom said, "No Lainey, don't eat it - it's hot!" and Lainey put her head down on the table and just cried and cried. My Mom had to explain that she wasn't yelling at her, she just didn't want her to burn her mouth. Such a sensitive little animal...

As for the big kids around here...we're fine. Troy is insanely busy with his work and the Army. Not that it is a bad problem to have but he is working most nights and weekends which makes me feel a bit like a single Mom. (Hats off to all the single Moms out there!)

Here is the part where I post cute yet amusing pictures of the littles:

Lainey's mullet had kicked it up a notch in these pics. Don't believe me? Check this out:
Glorious. You'll have to stay tuned for updated pics of her after her Aunt Lala have her a much needed haircut.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Six Months

My little chubby happy girl is six months old already! Okay, actually 6 1/2 months because I have a hard time updating this blog in a timely manner. But anyway! At her appointment, she weighed 16 lbs 2 oz (about 50%) and was 27.25" long (about 95%). I think the nurse was a little generous with her length measurement but either way, she is pretty long! She did great at her appointment and wasn't even too upset about her shots. However, I did have a Mom of the Year moment when the doctor checked her ears and informed me that her left ear was infected. Oops! Dr. Sarah is so nice...she told me that the same thing happened to her when she took her son for his 6-month appointment but I think she might have just been saying that to make me feel better. To be fair, Harper is so dang happy all the time...she was never symptomatic! Or was she...

"Um...hey, Mom? Guess what?"

"I have an ear infection!"

"That's why I'm grabbing my ear. See??"

"Oh yeah...and I might be teething too."
So...not a shining moment but she's totally fine. A round of amoxicillan and she's good to go! Thankfully she's not allergic to that like Lainey. And she really didn't fuss or act like her ear was bothering her. She is just such a happy baby! Always smiling and babbling. She can now say, "Dada" and she laughs when she gets really tickled about something. She is thisclose to sitting up on her own. She can do it but not for long periods before she falls or slumps over. She rolls over like a champ (preferring to do that when she goes to bed so she's more or less sleeping on her stomach) and she loves to stand up! It is funny how different babies can be. Lainey was never interested in moving and loved to sit and listen to books and music. She was dainty with her hands and really let you know when she was hungry. Harper, on the other hand, grabs anything within arms reach, is always kicking her legs or trying to sit up, will not sit still to be read to (she likes to scream and grab the book to put it in her mouth) but is much more chill when it comes to wanting to eat or anything like that.
Speaking of eating, she has now started eating some baby oatmeal. We tried the rice cereal but she hated it (so did Lainey) so we moved on to oatmeal and she loves it! Behold the difference:
Trying rice cereal:

Trying oatmeal:


We're going to try a veggie tonight and then probably a fruit in a few days. She's so funny now...she watches up eat with great intensity and does her mouth like she's tasting. So I know she wants some food. I'm still nursing her too and that is still going well! Now that I made it to 6 months, I'm trying not to put a bunch of pressure on myself. I'm obviously going to keep nursing her as long as I can, but if I don't make it to a year, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I made it to about 8 months with Lainey and she has turned out just fine!

So that's all the news on Miss Harper. She is just so cute & so sweet! It's hard to believe that at the beginning of the year, she wasn't even here and I am so looking forward to the holidays with our little family of four this year. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What up, y'all?

Ah, where does the time go? I can't even believe that September is almost over. It's been crazy around here (but what else is new?). Troy continues to be busy with work as he gains more clients and takes on more project work. I've gotten a promotion at work except that I somehow am still doing my old job plus my new job. I am such a bargain.

Let's see...what else...

Did you hear I had hives for a week awhile back? It randomly started one Sunday morning. I got up, fed Harper and was playing with Lainey when I noticed that my legs were kind of itchy. I was still in my nightgown and when I looked down, I saw this:

I went to two different doctors but was told by both that we probably wouldn't figure out what I was having an allergic reaction to and they gave me a steroid prescription. Then I went to my Ob/Gyn for my yearly and she said her best friend is an allergist and I needed to change my body wash. So I bought some Aveeno for sensitive skin and the hives went away. Go figure!

In other health news, I've had a cold for about two months. When my face hurt to the touch for far too long, I finally decided to go to the doctor. Just as I suspected, it's a sinus infection which I think is actually good news because that means I can take something to get better. So hopefully by this weekend I'll be feeling a lot better!

Random, but...I don't know why I keep trying Applebee's. I have never liked anything I've gotten from there and I'm sitting here now with a gross taste in my mouth even after brushing my teeth. Not that it has turned me off of eating. Which leads to my next tidbit...

I've not only fallen off the exercise wagon but it has left me in the dust. The elliptical that my wonderful husband bought me for Mother's Day (...) now serves as a large coat rack in the garage. Even worse than my slacking off on the exercise is Troy's diligence with it. He gets up nearly every day at 5:30 to either run or work out in the garage. He's probably in the best shape of his life and I'm in the worst. I know I'm probably a little neurotic, but I'm kind of afraid to work out. And not for any normal reason, but because I think it will affect my milk production. How many skinny cows have you ever seen??

And because I know y'all have been missing my updates on the girls, let's talk about how nursing's going. I bet you thought I was talking about Lainey & Harper right there but I was talking about my boobies. (Hold your horses...I'll give you an update on those girls in a minute.) Things are going pretty well but I'm gradually getting less & less milk when I pump. Back during my weird week of hives and the persistence of this "cold", the Benadryl, Sudafed and steroid have taken their toll. I've been taking fenugreek which has helped but I never have gotten back up to what I was producing before. Bring crazy busy at work isn't helping matters either but I've been determined to make the time to pump. This is about when things started to taper off with Lainey too. I had to start supplementing with formula with her around 7 months and about a month later, I had stopped nursing totally. I don't know why I'm getting so upset over it. My goal with both girls was to make it to 6 months which isn't going to be a problem with Harper. I guess I just had it in my head that this time around, I would make it to a year because it's been going so well. And who knows...maybe I will! But however long I can make it, I need to stop beating myself up about it and be happy that I've done this well.

Okay, I feel a little better after that little pep talk. And I know you feel better now that you know the status of my milk production. So...on to the other girls, shall we?

Lainey is getting SO BIG. Really...she is truly a kid now, not my little baby! Her mullet just won't quit so she had to have another trim recently. She is loving "school" and comes home signing all these funny little songs and telling me about her day: "T____ pushed me, Mommy! That not nice. I tell him, 'T____, you no push me!" She is definitely in her "twos" and it is definitely challenging. Like Troy says, she is either the sweetest thing ever or else she is just awful and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of in between. But she is always super cute. I mean, check her out rocking with Elmo:

Harper is also getting too big too fast. What happened to my baby girls?? Harper is at a cute stage. She gives the biggest smiles whenever anyone pays her any attention (especially Lainey). She is so chubby and has cute pudgy rolls and big blue eyes (so basically, she looks like her Mommy!).

So I think that hits the high spots of what I've been up to lately. Hopefully the next time I post I will be all healthy and stuff. Who knows...maybe I will even feel up to working out!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I am such a slacker parent. My Lainey turned TWO on July 21st and I am just now writing about it!* To be fair, that was in the middle of Troy's AT (Annual Training for the Army...two weeks at Ft Bragg) so we had to postpone her party until August 4th when he would be back home.

I can't believe she is getting so big. And I don't mean her age, I mean she's getting BIG! She is 97% for height and I swear she has shot up just in the past couple of months. It's crazy when I look back at pictures of her from when I was pregnant with Harper and then pictures of since Harper has been born. I don't know if she had a massive growth spurt or if it's just that she seems so big in comparison to a baby. But after having Harper, it seems crazy to hoist her up on the changing table.

So back to her birthday...she still doesn't really get it. We practiced what she should say when people ask how old she is. She didn't really get it. But she was excited about her cupcake at school and the fact that some family came to see her that weekend. She got lots of great presents and clothes.

When Troy came back, we had her actual party. We had discussed doing a big party for her: renting a bounce house, getting food, all of it. I scoured Pinterest for theme ideas and even considered making a cake in the shape of a zoo animal. Then my more sensible side kicked in and we ordered a cake from BJs and a couple of nugget trays from Chick-fil-a. For entertainment, we set up the kiddie pool in the backyard under some canopies and let hte kids play inside & out. I'd say it was a success! Besides, anyone who knows me knows I am not very crafty (in any sense, really). So this was a much better option as far as stress levels went. Most importantly, Lainey had a good time, the other guests seemed to have a good time and there was plenty of food.

Here are some good pics from her actual birthday and then her party:

Now she has her own laptop...just like her Daddy!

I made sprinkle cupcakes for her on her actual birthday. :)

 Our casual backyard birthday party

The giant (and delicious!) cake from BJs. The best part: it was only$20. No, on second thought, I think the best part is the fact that those flip flops are magnets. Lainey loves them.
Troy called me after he picked it up to inform me that it was super cute "but it says 'Happy Birthday Henry.'" Of course he waited for me to start to explode before laughing and proclaiming me gullible.

Harper in her party dress with her Grandmas.

Chubby is cute on the baby.

Lainey scored some seriously awesome gifts. And yes, she's wearing the same shirt in all these pictures...I was trying to get mileage out of her birthday t-shirt!

* Part of the reason is that Blogger & I have been fighting. I created this entire post, complete with pictures, and it would not post it or save it so I lost it and got mad and left it alone for several weeks.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Back on the saddle...

...and it doesn't feel good. Yet!

I am reintroducing myself to exercise. Once upon a time, I really liked to exercise. I even liked to run (which I can tell you is something I never thought I would say!). And I don't mean to toot my own horn but I was in pretty good shape right before getting pregnant with Lainey. But pretty early in, I was diagnosed with placenta previa and the main thing with that is that you're not supposed to exercise. So that combined with a heavy love affair with milkshakes lead to my gaining 45 pounds during that pregnancy. I guess it shouldn't have been a shocker to me that I was measuring large and they thought Lainey was going to weigh 10 pounds but I was clearly in denial.
After having Lainey, I thought the weight would just melt off because I was nursing. Some of it did but not all of it. But I was busy with a new baby and then a new job and all of a sudden, I was pregnant again. And hey, those milkshakes are just so good! So another 45 pounds gained and when Harper came along, only 20 of those pounds disappeared (even with nursing). But this time, I am determined to get the rest of the weight off. Not only that though...I actually want to get in shape.

Now, because I do work full-time and have two kids under two, I don't have loads of free time. So I have deduced that the only time I really have to devote to working out is around 8 p.m. (after Lainey has gone to bed and Harper has nursed for the last time of the day). Thankfully, Troy is here to not only motivate me, but to essentially be my personal trainer. He has been on a real workout kick for the past several months (yeah...he was busy getting buff right when I was getting enormous with Harper). I mean, check him out:

Who let him sneak those guns into the zoo??
Meanwhile, here I am at the zoo...
Doh...that shirt is not doing a good job of hiding my belly!

So he has been helping me out and even though I'm still in my first week, I feel better already. And two days in, I've already lost two pounds! I know that's not a lot but when the scale hasn't moved in weeks, it felt good to see some instant gratification.

I have a long way to go but I wanted to post about it as a way of motivating me. I will hopefully be posting some updates with some progress soon. Definitely not tonight though...I went all out for the 4th but hey, it's a holiday! Back on the saddle again tomorrow...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Two Months!

My baby girl is two months old already! She is just so cute. Also, she's apparently quite a chunk. The doctor said she is "off the charts" with her growth. I always thought she was long, but she is nearly 25" which puts her in the 99th percentile! She weighs just over 12 lbs (75 percentile). Troy calls her our little butterball. She is just so cute!

I think she's going to be our goofy girl. She is always smiling and cooing. And, if it is even possible, I think she "talks" more than her sister! She is such a pleasant little thing. As soon as she gets up in the morning, she's giving me her gummy open-mouthed smiles. I will miss our little conversations in the mornings. Sweet girl!

Here we go

No, I'm not talking about Budweiser. I'm talking about the end of my maternity leave (which will necessitate some Buds). Where did the time go?? I know every returning-to-work mom thinks that but I don't know how 10 weeks have gone by so quickly. I remember leave with Lainey seeming longer but that's probably because I spent a lot of time just sitting on the couch staring at her and this time I have been busy. Busy? I say that but I'm not sure what I've been doing. The "to do" list I created at the beginning of my leave is still hanging out with hardly a thing marked off. But we've also done plenty of fun stuff, like going to the zoo, parks and the museum. I have had the best time getting to be with my girls (and Troy). And even though I go back to work on Monday, we started the girls at their new daycare this week so we could all hopefully adjust while I was still available. Uh, yeah. It hasn't been going so well but that is another post. I can just say that it is actually easier to drop off a baby than a toddler because a baby is happy as long as she's being fed but the toddler definitely knows she's being left and she doesn't like it. But I can't dwell on that right now. Tomorrow is Father's Day and my last day of leave. I'm going to soak it up and try not to dread Monday.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Busy Growing

Just in case you're wondering what we've been up to around here. I cannot believe my maternity leave is nearly over. Considering I work for a Canadian company, I wish their year-long maternity leave would apply to us! Ten weeks isn't nearly long enough. But if I want to continue to get a paycheck (and Troy insists that I do), then I have to go back to work on the 18th. Boo.

This leave seemed to go by so much faster than my one with Lainey. Probably because most of my leave with Lainey involved me sitting on the couch watching her sleep next to me on her Boppy Lounger pillow. This time, I've been all over the place. Lainey has gone to daycare most of the time to keep her to a schedule and to allow me some time at home with Harper. Plus, I thought she would be bored sitting at home watching me watch Harper sleep. Turns out, that wasn't what I was doing. What was I doing? It's kind of hard to say. I feel like I went lots of places when in reality, I have spent two weekends in Jamestown, one in Goldsboro and five days in Williamsburg. So what happened to the rest of the past eight weeks? Beats me. I imagine a large percentage of the time was spent at Wal-Mart though. Huh.

I have a couple of regrets from this leave: 1) I did not get everything done on my To Do List (but I guess I still have next week) and 2) I felt a little like Harper got the shaft. I guess this is the plight of the Second Child but I just feel like Harper doesn't get nearly enough of my attention. When Lainey is around and awake, she pretty much demands my undivided attention. Even when I'm feeding Harper, Lainey is right there, talking, asking questions, wanting to help and getting into stuff so I'm constantly having to watch her, talk to her, try to convince her to "bring that back" and shield Harper from her rough affections. And when Lainey is not here or napping, I'm too busy trying to get stuff done to be able to just watch my little one. Other Moms of Multiples, how do you do it? Do you ever feel like you get to spend equal amounts of attention on your children?

On Monday, the girls start at a new daycare. We loved the lady who has watched Lainey since she was 10 weeks old but for various reasons, we decided before Harper was born to make a change. So they will be going to a nursery/pre-school program at a local church just up the road from our house. We think Lainey will really love the pre-school atmosphere and getting to play with more kids. And, well, Harper won't know any different so she'll be fine. Plus, I imagine it's several older ladies who want to sit around and hold babies all day and that is Harper's favorite thing so she'll love it. But of course I am nervous about them starting somewhere new and how they will adjust and more so how I'll adjust. I've been pumping almost every evening for the past 2-3 weeks to get a supply but I wish I had started pumping sooner. I'm not sure why I was so reluctant to start pumping this time. Part of it was that Harper wasn't on a good schedule until then and would often still eat right before we went to bed (which is usually when I pump). But now she generally eats for the last time around 7-8 p.m. and then I pump around 10 and go to bed.

Harper has been sleeping through the night almost from the time she was a week old. By that, I mean going 5-6 hours between feedings. But ever since she was about 6 weeks old, she has for reals been sleeping through the night (like, I often wake up before she does in the morning). So definitely no complaints there! And she is chunking right up. She has recently started to get those cheeks like Lainey had as a baby. I know she weighed 11 lbs when she was 6 weeks old and she is definitely bigger than that now so I'm curious to see how much she weighs at her 2-month appointment next week. At 3 weeks old, she had to move from newborn clothes to 0-3 and then around 7 weeks, we moved her to 3 month clothes (mostly because she is so long!). She took forever (and two treatments of silver nitrate in the doctor's office) to get her umbilical stump to come off at 6 weeks. She just had her first bottle Monday night and took it without any issue at all. I imagine she doesn't mind how she gets a meal, just as long as she gets one. She has also been busy growing a new crop of hair. We were surprised when she was born with lots of soft, light brown hair. Then all of it on top fell off around 3 weeks. She had male pattern baldness and baby acne...her first awkward phase. But now she is growing all new hair that is still soft but appears to be more blond. I have a feeling she will share in Lainey's lack of hair (although hers has also been growing more lately!).

Well, I suppose I should get to the good stuff...the pictures! Here ya go...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mmm...buttered popcorn

Oh how I love this newborn stage! I know a lot of people don't but I truly do. Their cute little cries, those tiny little diapers wrapped around even tinier little tushies. Yes, I even love that buttered popcorn smell of their dirty diapers. Does that make me weird? I don't care. I have been seriously neglectful of the blog but I have just been enjoying my girls. Harper is now 6 weeks old and getting so big! At 3 weeks old, she outgrew her newborn clothes and diapers and is wearing 0-3 month stuff now. She is growing wonderfully and is so long! She has long arms & legs (and fingers & toes) just like her Daddy but I think this one might end up looking more like me. I thought Lainey had my eyes until Harper came along. She gets this surprised look on her face with those big round blue eyes and that perfect little bow of a mouth. It is too cute! I had to take her to the doctor on Friday because her umbilical stump still hadn't fallen off and she weighed 11 pounds. She is really filling out! And yes, her stump finally fell off after they put some silver nitrate on it. So now...six weeks later...finally, some pictures!!

More to come...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Harper Elizabeth

As you have probably guessed, she's here! Harper arrived on April 7th at 8:29 p.m. weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces (5 more than her sister) and measuring 21.25" long (nearly an inch longer than her sister!). Here's her story...

I know I was whining in my last post. I was getting desperate as my scheduled c-section date drew nearer that I would never get to experience "normal" childbirth. As I'm sure most of you know, I did not make it to my scheduled c-section but that is still how things ended up. Thankfully I know that when it comes to childbirth, there is no planning and when it came down to it, I didn't get upset and just accepted it for what it was. But let me back up and tell you what all happened.

It started on Friday really. It was a full moon that night and I was determined to see if I could help things along. I read up on all those so-called labor inducing tricks and weeded out the ones that seemed a little medically risky and then tried out all the others (spicy food, walking, stuff like that). When I went to bed that night, I thought, "Well, we'll see what happens!" Every time I woke up, I wondered if it was because of a contraction. Then around 4:30 a.m., I awoke to a little gush. Now, you'd think that, especially in my present condition and frame of mind that I would immediately think that my water had broken and get Troy up. What did I do? Jumped up and went to the bathroom and thought, "Wow, this little incontinence thing is getting out of control." I went back to bed and slept just fine until it was time to get up.

When we all got up Saturday morning, we decided to run a few last-minute errands. I wanted to go to the Carter's outlet to look for a Big Sister shirt to match the Little Sister onesie I'd gotten for the baby (they didn't have it...apparently I bought last year's model). Then we went to BJs and bought a few things. The whole time, I was leaking a lot more than usual and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. By the time we came home for lunch, I told Troy that things just didn't seem right. Just then, my friend Megan (a nurse) texted to see how I was holding up and I told her about the gush and asked her opinion. She wisely said, "You need to call the doctor. They can do a quick check to see if your water broke." So I finally called and ate some lunch while I waited to hear back from the on-call doctor. Of course, they told me to come in to the hospital to get checked.

Are you wondering where Lainey was during all of this? She was with us for all of the running around and was so tired by the time we got home, she ate a quick lunch and went down for a nap. So she was of course still sleeping when the doctor told us to come in. This was getting close to 2:00 at this point. Luckily, our nextdoor neighbors agreed to "watch" her, even though they were getting ready for their son's second birthday party later that afternoon (which we ended up missing but Lainey woke up and got to attend which was actually really good timing because it kept her occupied). So, off we went to Rex where they checked me all in and the nurse did a quick test. She wasn't able to make a positive determination so she called in the doctor on call. She officially checked me and did a swab to run some labs. No real shocker that it came back positive...I was leaking amniotic fluid. When I told her about my gush that morning, she looked at me like, "Well what did you think that was?" Seriously, when I think back on it now, that's what I always think too! So we were excited that labor had actually started! But my hopes were quickly dashed when Dr. Wind then said, "Well, we'll go ahead and schedule your c-section for around 8 p.m. since you ate lunch." What? C-section? But I was in labor! I had even started having contractions while we were sitting there for all of the testing. Unfortunately, she explained, my body still wasn't in active labor. My contractions were between 6 and 13 minutes apart and never got regular or closer together. Dr. Wind said that there was no way that my body was going to catch up in time and I couldn't get pitocin because of my previous c-section. So...after all that, I was still facing a c-section. In that moment, all hopes of ever getting to experience a vaginal childbirth were dashed. But I didn't dwell on that...instead it was time to get excited because we were having a baby today!

Once we found out all of this, we went ahead and called the family and told them to head to Rex. We had to wait in a triage room until they were ready to do the surgery. That was interesting. On one hand, it seemed like we were in that room for forever but on the other, it went by really quickly. It was probably close to 4 by the time we found all of this out and Troy and I were both busy making calls and filling the family in and making arrangements for Lainey. Since there was nothing to do but wait, we turned on the TV (mostly to keep us from going crazy just sitting there). Let me tell you...I love Rex but their cable sucks. Not to mention that there's not a ton of quality television on late Saturday afternoons. Mary Poppins was coming on ABC Family and that's what we settled on. And so we watched (sort of) and waited. A little more than an hour later, family started to show up. First Troy's Mom, then my Mom, Dad and sister. Thankfully, they had stopped by and picked Lainey up so I could see her before going into surgery. By this time, they moved me to the post-op area since it was totally empty and that's where they were going to prep me. I got to visit with all of the family briefly and spend some time with Lainey. Poor thing seemed confused as to why Mommy was in a hospital bed and gown but she did great. Then all of the family, including Troy, left. My family took Lainey home to eat dinner and get her in bed since it was nearly 7 p.m. at this point. Our neighbors kindly agreed to baby-sit Lainey again so my family could come back to the hospital.

As for me, I sat there by myself for a bit. It seemed like a really long time but it was less than 30 minutes. I talked to the nurses and checked Facebook on my phone. Then it was time for them to get me prepped for surgery which didn't take long. Troy came back and I was wheeled down the hall towards the OR. It's funny what you we moved down the hall, both Troy and I commented on remembering that so clearly from the last time. Once we got there though, it was a bit different. Troy went to the little room to get some scrubs on and I went into the OR. This time I was getting a spinal so I was positioned onto the surgery table in a sitting position and they came in and did that. It really wasn't bad. A sting and then a surge down my right leg. Another little surge and that was it and then they were getting me down on the table before I went numb. The nice thing about this time around was how everyone talked to me. I definitely remembered that the last time, it was as though everyone thought I was knocked out because no one talked to me or seemed to notice me and were just focused on the surgery. Not that I didn't want them paying attention to that but it helped to have some interaction! Troy couldn't come in until the drape was in place and they had already started the surgery (to make sure things were going smoothly). Then it was just a matter of minutes before we heard our little girl screaming as she was plucked from my uterus and brought up into this bright world.

As they carried her to the isolet, they held her up so we could see her. My first thought was that she looked so much like Lainey! She was louder though, and longer. Lainey cried some but then quieted down, as though she was taking it all in. Not this one...she cried out for all she was worth. :) Troy went with her while they cleaned her up and this was the part where I steeled myself for the rest of my surgery. With Lainey, this was when things went downhill for me. I could feel them stuffing my insides back into my torso and I was so uncomfortable and just wanted them to stop. Apparently, I was shaking and turning rather green so they pushed some high-powered sedatives into my IV and that was all I remember about that. This time, I was determined to be more present. Thankfully, there was no stuffing of insides. I don't know if that was the difference in having a female doctor this time but things at least seemed...gentler. I also had a female nurse anesthetist (the person who stays up by your head) and she actually talked to me which helped a lot. We talked about the baby and if I asked a question ("I smell burning flesh..."), she kindly answered me back to keep my informed ("Yup, they're cauterizing your blood vessels so you won't have a bunch of blood in your body cavity." Ah.). Then Troy and the baby were back and he held her close to my head so I could see her. Your arms are strapped down so I couldn't do much but it was nice to get to see her because I missed that with Lainey. Now that I got a better look at her, she didn't look as much like Lainey. I mean, she did, but she was definitely her own person. For one thing, she had wavy light brown hair! (I've gotten plenty of grief about that from Troy.) She also had a perfectly round face and head because she was a c-section (even Lainey had a bit of a conehead because I labored with her first). She doesn't look nearly as much like Troy the way Lainey did (and does). Maybe this one will look more like me? Then they were gone to the nursery while I stayed behind. It took much longer for this part of the surgery than it did to get her out so that was interesting. Finally they finished and it was off to post-op. They checked me out and did the dreaded pushing on my abdomen (I definitely still remembered that from last time...that is pain like you can't imagine). Once I was all checked out and good to go, it was off to my room to be with family and finally, Miss Harper.

The rest of the time in the hospital was just like last time...perfectly pleasant with kind nurses and lots of care and attention. We were told that insurance would cover us to stay until Wednesday but we could be discharged Tuesday if we liked. Let me tell you, we seriously considered staying that extra day! If it hadn't been for Lainey, we totally would have. But we wanted to get home to be with her. She had come up to see us on Sunday and that was great but not enough. Thankfully, she loved her little sister right away and was only upset that I couldn't "get up" and she didn't like my IV. We had loads of family visit on Sunday and Lainey and Harper got all kinds of gifts. Then Monday was a quiet day for us and we went home Tuesday around lunch time. Troy's Mom was there to help until my Mom came the next day to take over. They switched off again for the weekend and then my Mom was back the next week. I can't tell you how nice it was to have help. I don't remember the recovery being as slow last time but I think that's mostly because I didn't have a toddler wanting me to pick her up. That was the hardest part for Lainey & me. It's been three weeks and I still am trying not to pick her up because it hurts and I have made the mistake of thinking that I'm fine and picking her up and then setting myself back so I'm trying to take it easy. But all in all, things are going very well. Harper is a sweet and calm baby. I think she is possibly even more easy-going than Lainey was. While Lainey runs around squealing, she snoozes peacefully. The first two nights at home were a little rough but by the third night, she was sleeping 5-6 hours at a time. I know...pretty amazing! So I can't complain too much about that. And breastfeeding! Wow, it is so much better when you know what you're doing. So far, there haven't been any issues and everything is going smoothly. My milk came in quickly and for a few days there, I was tempted to inquire if any neighborhood kids needed to eat because I had enough for everyone. But ice packs and hot showers helped and now my overflowing 38Ds have calmed down to about a 36C and we're all much happier about that. the rest of me is slowly going down as well but of course not as quickly as I would like. Time will take care of that though...and also if I can stop eating desserts.

I will post pictures soon. It is pretty amazing how slack you get about stuff like that the second time around unfortunately. All of our pictures are on our two phones and we haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. I keep asking Troy for his phone to do that and he's all, "But I don't have that many. Just some from the hospital when they were bathing her off and stuff." Um, yeah...all of the first pictures of her. I kind of want those! So, yes, I will upload and share them soon. In the meantime, you can check out the amazing pictures my friend Elizabeth took of her when she was a week old. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Still here...

Yes...I am still pregnant. My due date came & went on Sunday but this little girl is snuggled up still. I swear, I must have the most comfortable uterus ever. This morning was my last doctor's appointment. They did an ultrasound to check things out and make sure she's still good to go in there (she is) and even the tech said she was curled up, almost on her side and seems quite content. That was not exactly the news I was hoping for. I was hoping I would go in and they would say, " did you not notice that you're in active labor? You should just walk on over to Rex right now." Yeah yeah...I knew it was a long shot. But I was at least hoping they would tell me I had made some sort of progress since last week! But I have not. I'm about 1 cm dilated and that's about it. The doctor said there's nothing they can do to help me out because of my previous c-section and she wasn't super encouraging that she thought anything would happen before my scheduled c-section on Tuesday. So that has me pretty bummed. I know that I am ridiculously upset about my looming c-section. Troy keeps pointing out that lots of women opt for c-sections and say it's so much better the second time. But I am very bitter about it and wonder if I'll even be happy on Tuesday when they're prepping me for surgery that I will get to meet this baby or if I'll be so upset at another major surgery that I won't even be excited until it's all over and done with. Yes...I realize I'm sulking. I'm honestly trying to focus on the fact that she seems perfect and healthy and that she will be here one way or another in less than a week. I wish she would just come already and put me out of my misery! So keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me. Hey, there's a full moon tomorrow so anything could happen!

Let me at least end on a high is a picture of me from this morning so you can see that I am certainly ripe!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and nesting is now kicking in around here. Although, I think Troy is doing the bulk of it. As I sit on the couch in yoga pants typing this, he is outside mowing our (dormant) grass. He just really needed to do some yard work I think. But he has also been cleaning out the cars and hopefully shuffling/adding the carseats. Now that I work about 10 minutes from home, I've been driving the 4Runner and he has taken the Honda for gas mileage reasons. This is fine except that I always kept my car pretty clean and that 4Runner is just...gross. He rides with the windows down all the time and there is a layer of grime and dust in there that he really needed to address. So hopefully it is clean now and he'll move Lainey's car seat to the side because I don't think I can keep throwing her into the middle of the backseat. It is amusing enough watching me hoist myself into the driver's seat but seeing me try to get her into the rear-facing middle of the backseat is...interesting I'm sure.

So back to the getting ready part. We are really doing stuff now. All the baby gear is out and ready. I'm washing the newborn stuff and putting it in the drawers this weekend. I even went this morning and got a pre-hospital wax (some maintenance is just not as fun as other stuff). I think we're about all set. I told the baby that she needs to wait just one more week and then she can come any time. I have a little shower at work on Thursday and a hair appointment next Saturday and then I'll be totally ready! :) But I seriously need to make that hair appointment. Just like with Lainey, my hair seems to be much darker now and these roots are out of control. And maybe this time around I will not think that chopping my hair off into a nonsensical bob is the way to go if I have lovely golden highlights. You hear that? Don't let me get some ugly Mom cut this time around. :-P

As for Lainey, she still doesn't really get what's going on. She was super excited that we got all of the baby stuff out. I think she's used that swing more now than she did when she was an infant. She loves to run over to the swing and the pack 'n play and turn the music and vibration buttons on and dance. She was also getting a bit too obsessed with her bunny & paci so we've scaled back the paci and she seems to be doing great. We only let her have it in the crib when she's napping or sleeping and she's actually been less whiny. Troy wants to have her totally off the paci before the baby arrives but I'm not so sure how that will work out.

So not too much longer now! We actually scheduled a c-section for 4/10 but I'm still hoping to go into labor on my own before then. I just really don't want to do a repeat c-section but we'll see what this little girl's plans are for entering the world. Troy is convinced that she wants out and thinks it will be any time now but he thought that about Lainey too and she certainly has not turned out to be a speedy thing, in any regard (totally got that from me). But I will of course keep you all posted. Hopefully it will be soon!

Friday, March 2, 2012


I ran out of deodorant this week. This isn't a big deal...I had the forethought to buy another one during my last shopping trip. The alarming thing about this is...all I could think when I took out the new deodorant was, "This is the deodorant I'll be using when the baby arrives." Y'all, we are getting so close!

Also, another realization I just made: I HAVE STRETCH MARKS. I did not get any with Lainey and I used cocoa butter lotion every day. But they say that stuff doesn't work so I slacked off and haven't used any this time and now I HAVE STRETCH MARKS. Ugh. They're on my belly so it really looks like I'm going to just burst wide open.

But here we are folks...I'm halfway through my 36th week. I went to the doctor today who informed me I'm "fingertips" dilated (which means less than a cm). So not much going on although she's now definitely in head-down position. When I go from a sitting to standing position, it feels like she burrows her head way down into my bladder. So then I make the uncomfortable waddle to the other end of my work building to go to the bathroom. I think I'm going to have to just move and set up shop in the big stall soon. Other uncomfortable symptoms include back pain, calf cramps, heartburn, Braxton Hicks contractions and tiny limbs jabbing me from within. Yet despite all that, I do enjoy being pregnant. :) There's something so bizarre about the fact that I'm growing a little person inside of me that it's just too fascinating not to be pretty excited about it. I can no longer tie my shoes, lean over things or see certain areas of my own body. But when I look at the weird bubble growing on the front of me when I'm about to get in the shower every morning, I do tend to marvel a bit.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

34 (and a half) weeks

I've seriously got to get better about sitting down with my laptop in the evenings. By the time I come home, feed all the animals and put the bald one to bed, I'm about worn out though. I'm trying to be better...see?? New blog post! we are...nearly 35 weeks. I can't believe we only have about another month before we'll have a newborn in the house again. Of course this time, we'll also have a not quite as small but equally demanding little person running around! We're excited though. And scared. But excited (mostly scared...).

So who wants to see what 34 weeks looks like?? Here you go...

I seem to have turned into someone's Grandma, complete with waddling, heartburn and slight incontinence. I feel that I'm about the same size that I was with Lainey but I seem to be getting less rude comments. Actually, it seems to be the opposite this time with people often telling me how great I look and that I have that pregnant glow. Apparently my coworkers at my new job are better at lying than my old ones!

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. My job has been kind of crazy lately (my company was sold and I had to wait to find out if I even had a job, then we moved into a new office space and have started a new know, a few little things going on). That has been a bit exhausting. It got to the point where I came home sick and exhausted one day but since then, I've been trying to make a conscious effort to take it a little easier. I'm still working on that...chocolate helps.

One thing I will say...I guess I'm just too busy to be as anal and prepared as I usually am! I haven't even gotten started on my lists to prepare for the baby and we all know I love a list. Granted, we already have most everything we will need for another girl. But I have not done anything in the nursery. Thank goodness Troy moved Lainey into her new room and put together the new nursery furniture or I'm not sure anything at all would be done! Now I just need to drag out & organize all of Lainey's old baby stuff and put it away in the nursery. I am sure before long my nesting will kick into high gear and I'll shift my work anxiety to the baby. Sleep is becoming challenging so I'm sure I'll start to devote those hours to panicked planning.

So...that's where we are! Trucking right along towards having this little girl. I'll try to post more frequent updates during this last month. I'll even take more pictures for you of my enormous belly. You're welcome! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

18 Month Update

Wow...I can't believe Lainey is already 18 months old. Then again, other days I can't believe she's only 18 months old! She is growing and doing great. Even her hair is starting to come in a little thicker (but we're still a long way from hair clips and the like). She was 80% for height and 70% for weight. I can't remember the exact numbers now but she's about 25 pounds and like 32" inches or so. The doctor said she's doing great and she is!

What she lacks in hair, she more than makes up for in language skills. Seriously...the girl talks up a storm! I couldn't count all the words she says if I wanted to and she's getting really good at pronouns and short sentences ("I dropped it. I'll get it!"). She can repeat nearly anything we say and has started memorizing parts of songs and books and will sing/read along.

Our mini-Troy not only talks a lot like her Daddy but she is also totally OCD. One of her favorite things to say is, "Oh no! Made a mess!" She usually says this about our garage in general (and she is is a mess). At least she knows who to attribute that to ("Ew...Daddy's mess!"). That's right.

It is nice that she can communicate so well because I understand that that is the root of many a toddler tantrum. But we definitely are not immune to these. She is already asserting her independence every chance she gets. Some days it seems like her favorite word is "no" (and if she's really annoyed, it has two syllables..."NO-uh!"). Our biggest battle lately has been brushing her teeth. This often ends up in screaming matches with her Daddy or I pinning her arms down and forcefully brushing her teeth for her. At least her mouth is usually open from the screaming. But it really doesn't get your day started right. The doctor told us to be persistent though and just battle through and brush anyway. She needs to know that we won't cave. I can't wait for this phase to pass. :-P Other things she really does not like include getting out of the bath, diaper changes, not eating the second she decides she is hungry and not getting the food that she wants. Hey, who doesn't like cottage cheese and turkey dogs with ketchup at every meal? And heaven help us if we don't have whatever fruit she happens to want.

But all in all...this is a good age. She can play by herself, she loves being read to and she is a cute, sweet & funny girl. Her personality is fun to watch and I can't wait to see how she does as a big sister. I think she will love it. I hope she will love it (and her baby sister).

Lainey with her buddy Jack Jack

Chilling in Jack Jack's recliner

Mini Troy

I told you we do what we have to do with the teeth brushing, even if that means doing it in the bath with the cat around.

Happy girl! Still loves that dang paci and bunny. I don't have high hopes of getting rid of either any time soon.